

  • 1ひめゆり学徒隊の引率教師の一人でハワイ出身の親泊千代子が、
  • 2ひめゆりの塔の敷地を購入、整備し、ひめゆり同窓会に寄贈した
  • 3ハワイに渡ったひめゆりの同窓生がたくさんいて、ひめゆり学徒隊を引率した


We had several reasons for choosing Hawaiʻi to launch the Himeyuri and the Battle of Okinawa Exhibition Project:

  • One of the teachers who died in the cave where the Himeyuri Cenotaph now stands, Chiyoko Oyadomari, was born in Hawaiʻi
  • Harry Shinichi Gima, the man who purchased and maintained grounds for the Himeyuri Alumnae Association (where the Himeyuri Cenotaph now stands) was also from Hawaiʻi
  • Many former Himeyuri students eventually made Hawaiʻi their home. When Himeyuri teachers Matsusuke Yonamine and Seizen Nakasone visited Hawaiʻi on the last leg of their educational inspections of the United States, the students prepared for them a welcome party

The Himeyuri share a very important relationship with Hawaiʻi.The plan was to make a preliminary survey in the first year, follow up surveys in the second year, and hold the exhi­bition in the third year. While the preliminary survey was productive and added momentum to the project, the follow up survey had to be cancelled due to the advent of the global COVID-19 pandemic, and the program changed. It was decided that an exhibition would be held at the Peace Plaza in the Himeyuri Peace Museum first, followed by the one in Hawaiʻi. The two parts are called, "The Himeyuri and the Battle of Okinawa" and "The Himeyuri and Hawaiʻi." The two parts combined form the basis of the future Hawaiʻi exhibition–the goal of which will be to open the "Himeyuri heart" for all to experience.

ひめゆり平和祈念財団 理事長 仲程 昌徳


The Pacific War began in Hawai'i on December 7, 1941, when forces from the Japanese Imperial Navy launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, decimating the U.S. Pacific Fleet. Furious and out for justice the Americans entered the war under the slogan, "remember Pearl Harbor!" which would become their rallying cry and expression of their wrath toward Japan.
Chiyoko Oyadomari, was the only Himeyuri teacher who was born in Hawaiʻi. What could she have been thinking as she fled American troops in a war that began in her birthplace, only to be cornered by them in the southern Okinawa?
When the war was over, a great number of supplies and other relief were sent to Okinawa by Hawaiʻi's Okinawan community to help the war-ravaged prefecture through the postwar reconstruction. Harry Shinichi Gima, was a Hawaiʻi-born nisei working in Okinawa as a civilian employee for the U.S. military. Upset by the sad state into which the Himeyuri memori­al had fallen, he donated the money needed to purchase the site for the Himeyuri Alumnae Association. Others, such as Himeyuri Student Corps survivor, Fumiko Suetomi, and the Okinawa First Girls' High School alumna Keiko Fukuda, would eventually make Hawaiʻi their home and live full lives there. Hawaiʻi became a beacon of friendship and goodwill in the post-war period.
Just as hatred leads to war, so is peace born out of friendship and goodwill. In consideration of this idea, it is fitting that "The Himeyuri and the Battle of Okinawa Exhibition Project" take place in Hawai'i, a location that itself underwent a transformation from a rallying point for war to a place of goodwill and friendship.
Unfortunately, due to the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to cancel the exhibition that was scheduled for 2021. However, the leadership and staff of the Himeyuri Peace Museum wish to hold the event after the crisis has passed.
We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to Professor Masato Ishida, the University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa, the University of Hawaiʻi, West Oahu, The East-West Center, the Hawaii United Okinawa Association and the many people of the State of Hawaiʻi and Okinawa Prefecture who have provided so much support for this project. We thank you very much.

ひめゆり平和祈念資料館館長兼ひめゆり平和研究所所長 普天間 朝佳