

In 1937, Japan enacted the National Mobilization Law, followed by the National Recruitment Ordinance in 1939; thus, requiring all Japanese citizens to support their country at all costs. After 1941, severe labor shortages resulted in increased enforcement of citizen mobilizations. In 1944, a decision was made to mobilize students in Okinawa, which required boys, 14 and older, and girls, 15 and older to go through intense wartime training. For those indoctrinated in Japanese militarism since childhood, a chance to participate in the war was an honor.

防空訓練/Air-raid drill

防空訓練/Air-raid drill

240人の動員The mobilization of 240 Himeyuri



On March 23, 1945, forces from the United States began their landing operation on the Okinawa islands. In response, 240 students and teachers of the Himeyuri Student Corps were mobilized to the Okinawa Army Hospital in the town of Haebaru. The facility was not a true hospital, rather, it was a series of 40 chambers carved into the surrounding hills. It was in this dark, stifling environment that the Himeyuri would work as nursing assistants in the coming battle.

看護活動Nursing duties


The Himeyuri were assigned to assist military doctors, medics and nurses by caring for the wounded and assisting surgeons. Additionally, they were given hazardous details, such as transporting food and fetching water as enemy shells rained down. As the situation deteriorated, the number of casualties increased and they became tasked with burying the dead on a daily basis.

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