After the war, many of the surviving Himeyuri students became teachers themselves. As a rule, they rarely spoke of their wartime experiences to their students, due not only to the horrific memories their stories would bring up, but also the pain of surviving even as their friends, teachers and classmates did not.
In the war’s aftermath, the Himeyuri’s tragic story became the stuff of novels and films throughout Japan. The Himeyuri themselves, however, remained largely silent about their own experiences. This “national story,” although widely known throughout the country, was imparted to the public from perspectives that differed from those who had actually experienced the Battle of Okinawa.
戦争から40年、戦争の記憶が薄れ始めていると感じた元ひめゆり学徒たちは、戦争が二度と起こらないようにという願いを込めて、資料館設立に動き出します。平和の大切さを訴え続けることが、亡くなった友人や恩師の鎮魂につながると信じて、資料館の設立を決断しました。ひめゆり学園の同窓生たちは、一致団結し資金集めや、遺品収集、調査などに取り組みました。1989年6月23日、ひめゆり平和祈念資料館が開館しました。開館後、 元ひめゆり学徒たちは、資料館の中で、自身の体験を直接、来館者に語ってきました。開館以来、ひめゆり平和祈念資料館は、多くの来館者に戦争の悲惨さと平和の大切さを伝え続けています。
Forty years after the war’s end, the surviving Himeyuri students, fearing that the memories of wartime experience would be lost to time, set out to establish a museum dedicated to their belief that they should pass on their experience and mourn the friends and teachers who had perished so that such a tragedy would never happen again. Together, the Himeyuri alumnae gathered to raise funds, collect and display pieces and continue their research and investigations. The Himeyuri Peace Museum opened on June 23,1989. Here, survivors told their stories to throngs of museum visitors. Since its opening, Himeyuri Peace Museum has kept sight of its goal to inform visitors of the horrors of war and the importance of peace to visitors from around the world.